On Taking Risk and Being Successful

“In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first.”

— Jimi Hendrix

About two months ago I had one of my mentors say something extremely powerful to me. He mentioned how stuck I was, trapped in this cheap cage of mediocre success. The worse part was that he was right.

I am extremely grateful for that night. This person is Felipe Matos, COO of Startup Brazil. 

Felipe, thank you for since that day, making me realize that life and my potential are much more than what is currently happening. The transition has already begun!

I recall five years ago when I decided to sell everything I had and move to the US without one single connection in this country. No fancy MBA or diploma. 

I did not go to Stanford or Harvard. I used to be a journalist. So far, the more risk I took, the better the output was. 

I had never started anything in my life before. One year later I started my first company and met several interesting people in Boulder. Six months later I was on the cover of the equivalent of INC Magazine Brazil as one of the most promising entrepreneurs in my country. One year later we sold the company. 

I was the first BD hire at a successful SaaS company that grew from 21 people (when I joined) to 300+ today. 

After a bit of soul searching and lots of pain, a new path has begun. 

I am teaching myself how to code and experimenting with projects. One step at a time, 1% better every day. 

Making apps and new friends at night, while working during the day. 

2014 was a year of fun, party, and travel. It was an amazing year, but I distanced myself from my true purpose. 2015 is about focus, discipline, and taking a risk, one more time. 

The nice part about it is that instead of having to do it from a shitty studio in Boulder, CO I get to be in San Francisco, an amazing city that I truly learned how to love.

Rock on! Onward.

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