For the love of the game


I woke up early decided to write a poem for founders.

As I saw the sunrise in San Francisco, these words hit me.

Go read The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield.

A simple, useful book to get more things done.

For all the crazy ones out there building their own empires as founders: keep pushing through the pain. Win against the enemy. You are destined for greatness.

For the love of the game, by Pedro Sorren

For the love of the game

I have no shame

To change the world and pursue fame

While breathing with zero blame

The path is lonely

The journey is painful

It can end up badly

But it is the only path I know, sadly.

The stakes are high

Don’t forget to cry

The scars make you grateful

You mature as you are faithful

Raise the capital

Be professional

Partner with principles

So regret is minimal

The game won’t stop

As you pound the laptop

Build the team

With no fake steam

Connect with the divine

It is crucial to redefine

As you build your evolution

As you buffer the solution

Start a revolution

With some Confucian attribution

For positive execution

A peaceful you equals the best solution

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