Getting back to the office

Personal Updates
“Most of us aren't defeated in one decisive battle. We are defeated one tiny, seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that chips away at who we should really be.” - Jocko Willink.

As we approach significant milestones at Atman, it is time to have an office again. We have been building in stealth for the past months while I split my time between the Bay Area, Miami and Sao Paulo.

I truly miss going to the office. I have reached remote life exhaustion.

As an extrovert, I was not born to live my life on Zoom, nor do I appreciate the so-called perks of remote work, mostly because I had them before as well.

We are all going to adapt to a hybrid way of doing things — currently, the way we operate is against human nature.

Most of the jobs I had had awesome offices filled with brilliant, ambitious people.

The invisible energy of having multiple builders in the same space is impossible to replicate online. It is anti-human.

Work has always been (and always will be) a large portion of my life and identity. Merging my home with my office has not been the healthiest decision for me. My focus decreased due to the lack of separation between personal and professional lives, which is pretty impossible if you are in the Venture/Wealth business.

I am not anti-remote and also take advantage of this new era we are living in.

That said, humans were not born to live behind screens. It is against our ancestors and our nature to dare and explore the unknown.

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